CAGAYAN de Oro — Stop the experiment, move him up front permanently. Forget the left side put someone else in there.
ADT coach Scott Cooper should realise by now that Jarvey Gayoso is a striker and a goal scorer.
He will score more goals just like what he did against Mendiola United when he fired a header in the 73th minute in their third match in the Philippine Football League (PFL) Qatar Airways mini bubble tournament at the PFF Training in Carmona.
Coach Scott has been wrong since last year when he put his most prolific scorer at left back. In the ADT’s early matches vs United Ctiy Football Club (UCFC) and Kaya FC, Jarvey once again got stuck in the left back.
What happens when your top striker is moved to the left? Zero goals. Thats what happened. ADT lost to UCFC and KFC by one goal each.
ADT strikers fired blanks against Kaya and UCFC. The strikers continued to fire blanks in the first half against Mendiola until striker Ivan Ouano went down and was stretchered off the field early in the second half.
It was then that coach Scott shifted Jarvey to his familiar role as a striker and goalscorer. Jarvey wasted no time and capitalised on his 6ft-2 height to score ADT’s first goal in the tournament via a rocketing header.
He did not stop there. He continued to hound Mendiola defence and then produced a smashing free kick that the Mendiola goalkeeper Kenny Balobo stopped but then rebounded to the charging defender Mathew Custodio who then scored the second goal to seal the three points.
ADT could have scored one goal n the first half as Chima Uzoka was brought own inside the box. However, Marvin Angles’ shot was deflected by Balabo and his follow-up shot went wide.
The youthful ADT team has two more matches remaining and for sure coach Scott has realised his mistake and should now put Gayoso up front. With Gayoso goal scoring skills and speed, no one could stop him.
Based on his performance against Mendiola, for sure many clubs around Asia are already drooling to get his services.
In due time Jarvey will develop into the next Phil Younghusband. (l.biantan@gmail.com)